What are your Rights to Light?

At Ethical Partnership we are always looking to expand our knowledge base. Most recently, we have undertaken a CPD course covering all aspects of ‘Right to Light’. We discussed the legal matters of right to light, as well as the daylight and sunlight requirements for planning applications. Adrian Marston, of Smith Marston Ltd, provided an insightful presentation and discussion on the implications of light for us as planning consultants.

The government defines the Rights to Light as “an easement that gives a landowner the right to receive light through defined apertures in buildings on his or her land.”

What is a Daylight and Sunlight Assessment?

A daylight and sunlight assessment provides calculations which assess the potential loss of daylight and sunlight on neighboring properties. They can also assist with maximizing the use of natural light in proposed developments.

Why is it important?

Particularly in high density areas, a new development has the potential to negatively unacceptable impact the existing levels of daylight or sunlight on neighboring properties, including gardens and amenity spaces.

Within Tyneside, and many other local planning authorities, a daylight and sunlight assessment is required when a proposed development is in close proximity of ‘habitable’ rooms of an existing residential development.

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How can we help?

At Ethical Partnership, we support developments which achieve equitable outcomes. We are committed to helping clients through their planning journey as smoothly as possible. If you have any concerns on how daylight and sunlight requirements may affect your planning application, please contact us.

If you have concerns that a new development may negatively impact your light, we can help you object. Furthermore, you may have a legal ‘right to light’. For more information please contact us. Alternatively you can follow us on social media to keep up to date with the latest planning news – Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter.

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